A member of a work gang who supervises the other workers.
Examples for "assistant foreman"
Examples for "assistant foreman"
1I am assistant foreman, soon I'll know enough to get other jobs.
2He was assistant foreman of the crew my brother Joey worked on.
3The Jam-wagon, too, we had employed as a sort of assistant foreman.
4Used to be assistant foreman at the dairy back in 'fifty-eight?
5We have two laying houses, each manned by an assistant foreman and ten workers in shifts.
1Then the louder tones of a straw boss called him back:
2The straw boss is responsible for the workmen under him.
3The picker-thepimp-was called the straw boss.
4By 1933, the "children," the workers, ate-thatis, earned-onlyif they could survive the shape-up, the speed-up, and the straw boss.
5The foreigners, generally speaking, are content to stay as straw bosses.
6" Straw boss has to ride in this country."
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Translations for straw boss